Yarrow Days

Celebrate the very best of small town spirit and “The Good Old Days” at the 53rd Annual Yarrow Days! Fun for the whole family through the first full weekend of June, all over Yarrow. See below for itinerary.
FRIDAY June 6th  5pm-Dusk
Yarrow Farm Market
This is a weekly staple in the heart of Yarrow from late May – early September. What better way to kick off the Yarrow Days weekend?! Yarrow Pioneer Park, 4390 Kehler St.
*** Find the Yarrow Volunteer Society table for early bird merch sales!
6:00pm Registration
Fun Run (or walk!)
2k walk and 5k run routes. Run starts at 6:15. By donation, proceeds to Yarrow Volunteer Society. No pre-registration required. Starting point Yarrow Community Centre, 4670 Community St. Ending point: greenspace at Elizabeth & Kehler.  Hosted by Yarrow Fitness. Drinks * Snacks * Prizes
Want to be part of the Vendor Walk on Saturday June 8th?  Here are the forms:
SATURDAY JUNE 7th  8-10am
Free Pancake Breakfast
Yarrow Canadian Reformed Church, 42285 Yarrow Central Road across from Pioneer Park. Will be accepting non-perishable food donations for the Salvation Army.
*** CRC Parking lot will be open for free parking all day Saturday as well. Thank you CRC!!!
The greatest small-town parade left standing! Get your spot along the parade route early, it gets really busy. Starts at Yarrow Community School at 10am sharp, 4595 Wilson Rd., heads south on Wilson Rd, then west on Yarrow Central Rd. to Yarrow MB Church, 41995 Yarrow Central Rd.
***NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSURES 9:30AM – approx 11:15AM
***Pre-registration required to participate in the parade! Please complete this form:
After parade until 2:30ish
Fire Hall Open House
Fire safety demo house, water play, explore the fire trucks, and more! 42385 Yarrow Central Rd.
Party in the Park
After the parade, gather at Yarrow Pioneer Park, 4390 Kehler St., for all day entertainment stage, kids games, feature attractions, concession, merch sales, vendor village, and much more!
***Vendor booth application coming soon
Show & Shine
Entry by donation to Yarrow Volunteer Society. Spaces are limited, cars welcome at 8am, first come first served (but please no early birds as the organizers need time to set up!). New location as of last year! YUM Church, 4336 Eckert St.
***More info and entry details coming soon
***NOTE: parade entry is separate, register here: Yarrow Days Parade Registration
Yarrow Days Dance with Retrobot
at the Community Centre 4670 Community Street
19+ this year includes a late night picnic lunch
Food trucks will be on site 6-8pm at the Community Centre.  Everyone is welcome to visit the food trucks.
SUNDAY JUNE 8th 9:00am-12:00pm

Brunch for All!
Yarrow Community Centre, 4670 Community St.
Details coming soon
Non-denominational Church Service in the Park
All are welcome! Rain or shine. Bring your blankets and lawn chairs. Co-hosted by the Churches of Yarrow. Yarrow Pioneer Park, 4390 Kehler St.